prisoners of war|prisoner of war in English

captives in the hands of the enemy that were caught during wartime

Use "prisoners of war|prisoner of war" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "prisoners of war|prisoner of war" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "prisoners of war|prisoner of war", or refer to the context using the word "prisoners of war|prisoner of war" in the English Dictionary.

1. Deserters? Escaped prisoners of war?

2. He might be a prisoner of war.

3. The Japanese prisoners of war were repatriated to their homeland after the war.

4. If you wanna play a prisoner of war, fine.

5. Don't molest crops, women or prisoners of war.

6. Canadians taken prisoner during the SOUTH AFRICAN WAR had little need of these rules, since the Afrikaners, fighting a guerrilla campaign for most of the war, had no facilities for holding prisoners.

7. About 65 US prisoners of war were held there during the middle of the Vietnam War.

8. However, two sides continued the exchange of prisoners of war.

9. Morocco claims it no longer holds any prisoners of war.

10. 25 This building was used to lodge prisoners of war.

11. Other wartime roles include control of prisoners of war and refugees.

12. Prisoners of war were subjected to inhuman and degrading treatment.

13. His comrades perish , and Alfie becomes a German prisoner of war.

14. Father joined the German army and died as a prisoner of war.

15. The prisoner of war gave his parole not to try to escape.

16. She then transported allied prisoners of war to Shanghai for repatriation.

17. 5 Prisoners of war were subjected to inhuman and degrading treatment.

18. Colonel Barrou and several men were taken as prisoners of war.

19. He died as a prisoner of war in an enemy death camp.

20. Some will become prisoners of war, ‘bowing down,’ or crouching, among other prisoners, while the rest will be slain, their corpses covered with the war dead.

21. Her father spent three years as a prisoner of war in Korea.

22. Newfoundland was then assigned the task of repatriating British Empire prisoners of war.

23. The United Nations is to supervise the handover of the prisoners of war.

24. 15 The prisoners of war were led in to the concentration camp.

25. His experiences as a prisoner of war have left him marked for life.